By Rohan D’Almeida [BOM], 2023 Batch
Staging an Annual Drama is an essential element of SN Jesuit formation. It was not held since the outbreak of COVID-19. This year, the tradition was resumed with the production of the musical ‘The Book of Mormon’ on 13 December 2024.

Fr Patrick SJ (the staff coordinator) approached scholastics Rudolph, Vamshi and Rohan to direct this year’s Annual Drama at the beginning of this academic year. After skimming through a few options during their initial meetings, the team finalised the 2011 American Broadway Musical called “The Book of Mormon.” It is the story of the two Mormon missionaries assigned to Uganda on an evangelical mission. Disappointment, lies, and chaos ensue when their evangelical zeal encounters the tragic life of the Ugandans. The drama is a terrific amalgamation of comedy and tragedy with some hints of a budding romance raising serious questions about self-worth, evangelisation and faith.

Next, Vamshi was assigned the task of coordinating the lights and sound. Rohan was asked to manage the stage and logistics, and Rudolph was given the herculean task of finalising the cast and conducting the rehearsals. As it is a musical, Joswalt and Isuranga edited the soundtracks while Anu Vimal and Anil S choreographed the dances and gave practices alternative days after supper.

With a tightly packed schedule of scholastics filled with assessments, exams, festivals, community days and the Goa pilgrimage, having regular practices was challenging. Amidst all this, we were saddened by the demise of the fathers of Ashwin, one of the leading actors, and Fr Patrick, the staff coordinator. Their absence affected the impetus of the rehearsals.

But God works in mysterious ways as things turned out well in their time. Mr Subhendu Deb (an ex-Jesuit and SN alumnus) came to the rescue of the stage-setting department. Under his expert guidance, materials for the backdrop screens were purchased. Richin and Claudius beautifully painted the backdrop while Vinay and Aseet, with their stage setting team, creatively designed the Ugandan Village scene and planned the props for the choreography. Vally took responsibility for managing the mic system. After much discussion and debate in the community, the light arrangement was outsourced.

Against all odds, the rehearsals intensified after the Goa pilgrimage, improving performance quality. Most costumes were procured from our community and friends, while some were hired. Sr Vilnisha AC and the team looked after the makeup of the actors. Victor Jojo and the team welcomed the guests and ushered them to their seats. Shudipto and the team coordinated the refreshments and supper. Joseph Danial’s elegant hosting skills and Isuranga and Claudius‘ creative video for the vote of thanks touched many hearts. Finally, all pain turned into gain.

The audience was totally enthralled and captivated by the fantastic performances of the staff and scholastics. The audience glued their eyes on the stage with consistent enthusiasm, with occasional laughter resonating through the Manresa Hall during the play’s comedic dialogues. The songs like “I Believe” and “Hasa Diga Eebowai” were met with thunderous applause. Beyond the humour, the heartfelt moments of the tension between Price and Cunningham and the announcement of the closing down of the Uganda Mission—just to name a few—elicited audible sighs among the audience, demonstrating the actors’ ability to balance comedy and emotion.

The occasion was graced by around 170 guests comprising benefactors, parish priests, Sisters from neighbourhood convents, collaborators in our ministries (pastoral and social outreach), and well-wishers. Post-performance, while sharing a meal, many commended the cast for their professionalism in the production.